hello there!

My name is Ryan, and I'm an amateur radio operator, landscape photographer, and python programmer.

As an amateur radio operator with the call sign N6RWC, I love exploring the world of radio communication and experimenting with new technologies. Whether I'm participating in contests, chatting with other operators, or just tinkering with my equipment, there's always something exciting to discover.

In my free time, I'm also an avid landscape photographer. I love capturing the beauty of nature and sharing it with others through my photos. From rugged mountain peaks to tranquil lakeshores, I find inspiration in the world around me and strive to convey its essence in my images.

When I'm not working with radios or behind the lens, I'm often programming in Java or Python. I enjoy the challenge of solving problems with code and the satisfaction of seeing my creations come to life. From web applications to desktop software, I'm always exploring new ways to use my programming skills.

Thanks for stopping by, and feel free to explore my website to learn more about me and my interests!


Amateur radio clubs can bring people together on a common interest.

Here are a few of the clubs that I am in:

Young Amateurs Radio club (WY4RC)

A Discord server with people as young as 14, talking about amateur radio.


Cal High amateur radio club (KN6VOY)

A club dedicated to getting young people into amateur radio.
